Terms and Conditions


The current Terms and Conditions are intended to inform you (the user) of your rights when visiting our web page - https://mcdonalds.bg. On our web page, in regards to its visitors (users), are these General Terms and Conditions, the Special General Terms and Conditions from the "Career" subpage of the Mc Donald's web page (chapter 6), the Special General Terms and Conditions for online booking of a children's party, as well as the Cookie Policy apply.


1.1. When you visit our website a connection is established between your device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and our server. The initial access is named „website calling“, as it is carried out from your device to our web address. Via this connection in both directions (device ⇆ server) are transferred data (information). Such data transfer (information transfer) is governed by the provisions of the Bulgarian law, the European law and these General Terms and Conditions.

1.2. The data referred to in point 1.1 above is necessary for the technical functioning of оur web page (respectively оur server) and communication with уour device; when visiting оur web page we will not collect any personal data other than those referred to in point 1.1, apart from the data you personally provide to us (and in particular in the subpages "Career", "Contact" and "Birthday").


2.1. When you open the website, a connection is established between your device and our server and our website gets the following data:

  • The IP address of your device;
  • Access date and time;
  • Name and URL of the called file;
  • The website/ the application from which the access is made;
  • Your browser (and/ or the operational system of your device).

2.2. These data are provided automatically (without your or our participation) because this is the technical way to establish connection; without transfer of this minimum volume of data, the connection between your device and our website would be impossible.

2.3. These data received from your device are stored on our server temporarily (in the so called Log file), which ensures trouble-free connection between your device and our server as well as the convenient use of our website/ application. Data are stored for a short period of time and then they are automatically deleted.


3.1. We use the so called cookies on our website.

3.2. Cookies are small data files that are recorded from/ on your device when you visit any website including our website. A cookie contains specific information, which is required so that your device may function correctly when connected to the server. Cookies will not cause any damages on your device, they do not contain viruses, Trojan horses or other malware.

3.3. You may allow or not allow that cookies on your device are accessed from the server of our website. If you allow such access, our website will know which sections you have visited as well as what kind of data and settings you have entered so that you will not have to enter them again.

3.4. Our website uses the access to cookies in order to register statistically its use for the purpose of optimization of our proposals as well as to enable us to provide to you data specially selected for you.

3.5. Most cookies are automatically deleted after a defined time. Most browsers on devices (such as yours) are automatically set to grant access to cookies. But you can also configure your browser settings so that no cookies are saved on your device or so that a message is always displayed before a new cookie is generated. Completely disabling cookies may, however, result in the inability to use all the functionalities of our web page.

3.6. An overview of the cookies used with further information can be found in our Terms for Cookie usage - Cookie Policy.


4.1. By accessing the website (loading it) you agree to be bound by these general terms and conditions as amended from time to time and you undertake to comply with them.

4.2. In case you do not agree with all the terms and conditions, please do not use the website!

4.3. The data you provide will be considered as true until proven otherwise by the Data Administrator and the Data Processor

4.4. By accessing our website you agree that your data will be processed by the website administrator (data processor) and by the person in whose favour your data are collected (data controller) as well as by other persons authorized for that purpose.

4.5. All intellectual property rights in the information resources and materials, photographs, images and other works, trade names and trade marks published on the web page are protected under the Copyright and Related Rights Act and their unauthorized use constitutes an offence under Bulgarian law.


5.1. Personal data protection and ensuring their lawful, transparent and fair processing are our priorities.

5.2. Within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions, the terms given below will have the following meaning:

5.2.1. „GDPR“ is Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

5.2.2. The website administrator is Guts and Brains DDB LTD, unique identification code (EIK): 831466573, which is considered Data processor of cookies in the meaning of GDPR.

“Data controller” (we) in the meaning of GDPR is Sunfoods Bulgaria EOOD, unique identification code (EIK): 831507493, registered address: Sofia City 1766, Mladost 4 district, Buisiness park, Building 1A, Floor 4.

5.2.4. “User” (“you”) is any natural person visiting the website.

5.2.5. „Personal data“ is any information that may directly or indirectly identify you as a citizen (natural person). On our website you provide data (that may be possibly classified as “personal data”) specified in art. 5.6 and 5.8 below:

5.3. This notice is to inform you that We will collect personal data and process it in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, and that this personal data is divided into three groups: data necessary for the technical functioning of the website and all relevant subpages; data provided for the "Career" subpage, and data provided for the "Birthday" subpage and data provided for the "Contact" subpage.

5.4. Data received from the web page that is necessary for the technical functioning of the connection between Our web page and Your device are:

  • browser type/version used by Your device;
  • operating system used by your device;
  • the referring URL (the previously visited page);
  • host name of your device (IP address) accessing the page;
  • time of the request to the server.

5.5. These data (under clause 5.4) are used only for access to the provided information resources/ data of the website;

5.6. To use the features of the Career subpage you are required to apply by completing the application form. The application data on the Career subpage are:

  • Your name, address, date and place of birth, email address and/ or telephone
  • Other data provided by you, which may be in the form of CV, included in a file (electronic carrier) for which special conditions of confidentiality according to art. 6.12 shall apply.

5.7. The data provided by you on the "Career" subpage is used solely for the purpose of assessing your application and contacting you. These data are subject to specific general terms and conditions on the "Career" subpage of the McDonald's web page - chapter 6 below.

5.8. A mandatory registration is required to use the functions of the Birthday subpage. The registration data for the Birthday subpage are:

  • Your name/ you child’s name;
  • Your e-mail address and telephone number;

5.9. Special general rules for online booking of a children's party are specified for the data you provide in the "Birthday Party" subpage. The data provided by you on the "Birthday Party" subpage will be stored by us only up until the day of the children's party and will only be used for feedback to you on and about the booking and the event.

5.10. Your personal data will be used for the following purposes:

  • signing and execution of an employment contract (on the Career subpage);
  • to book and hold a children's party (on the Birthday Party subpage);
  • contacting the client to confirm and clarify the details for the contract executuion;


6.1. The current general Terms and Conditions arrange the rules for usage of the Job Application Platform provided by us and the rights and obligations of Mc Donald's (us) and you (the User) in connection with your application and use of the Platform.

6.2. You are responsible for the way you use this website and the platform and especially for the data that you fill in.

6.3. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree that the published contact details of natural persons may be used by us in connection with your application and your appointment for vacant positions.

6.4. We may not guarantee the correctness, accuracy or reliability of the information provided by you or your CVs; you are responsible for the form, the content and the accuracy of your information uploaded by you on the website and the Platform.

6.5. We have the right, considering the law, to vary or terminate any of the terms contained in these Terms and Conditions at any time by updating this text. We will notify you of any update by posting on the header of the Career subpage.

6.6. The use of Platform is free of charge; We will review your application free of charge.

6.7. You may use the Platform and submit your application only if you fill in the application form.

6.8. In order to apply you have to fill in the following required fields of the application form: Full name; date of birth; address; email and telephone. Your place of birth is optional field.

6.9. We will consider that by completing the application form you give your consent for us to obtain and process your data for the purpose of signing an employment contract.

6.10. To review your application, you have to fill in the fields with the job characteristics for which you apply: Position (job), city (place of work) and working hours; without filling in these fields, we will not be able to review your application.

6.11. You have the option of attaching a CV file; the file can be in word or pdf

6.12. By attaching your CV, you have the opportunity to provide information such as your photo, information about your social network profiles, information about your gender, age, education, professional status and income. It is up to you to decide whether you are going to store data relating to you in the profile and what type of data.

6.13. Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to fill in the application form; children under the age of 18 are not allowed to fill in the application form without the explicit consent of their parent/ guardian. If you are under 16 years old, please do not send and do not publish any information about you.

6.14. We will delete any application for a child under 16 or applications that do not meet the requirements of the law.

6.15. You have to publish and edit the data that refer only to you and you shall not publish and edit data concerning anyone else nor publish and edit on someone else’s behalf.

6.16. You have to use your website lawfully and the information published by you shall not breach or contradict in any way any third party rights and/ or the valid regulations.

6.17. When you use the website, you have to abide by the following restrictions:

  • You shall not send incorrect, wrong or incomplete data or information, which is not your property, as well as you shall not disclose information that is in breach of the protection of other persons’ data;
  • You shall not publish/ distribute information, which is protected with copyrights (or other kind of intellectual property), which contains commercial secrets except in the cases when you are the owner of these rights or you have due permission to distribute them;
  • You shall not publish/ distribute information which is inappropriate, immoral, defamatory, threatening, offensive, aggressive, hateful or confusing for other people;
  • You shall refrain from attempts to research, scan or test the vulnerability of the system or the network or from attempts to intrude the system or other similar activities without relevant authorization;
  • You shall refrain from activities imposing unreasonable or inappropriate load on the structure of the platform or the website.

6.18. We do not control the information provided by you on the platform and the section Career. If we are notified by an user about information, which is claimed to contradict these conditions, we may research these statements and determine in good faith and by our own discretion whether to remove or ask you to remove such information.

6.19. We are not responsible for missed benefits and/ or suffers damages as a result of using the information on the platform and the section Career. In any case we are not liable for any loss or damage caused to the User from any received or unreceived information through the platform/ section Career. You are responsible to check and assess at your responsibility and at your account the accuracy, the completeness and the relevance of the information provided by you on the platform/ section Career.

6.20. We shall not be liable for any damages caused by a system error, access termination, loss of information, defects, delay in operations, computer viruses, connection problems, system destruction or unauthorized access. In the last case we will promptly notify the Commission on Personal Data Protection and the data subject not later than 72 days after becoming aware of the breach.

6.21. We are not liable to users or to any third parties if an user publishes on the website any unlawfully obtained or unauthorized information as well as in case that there is misuse, copying or other unlawful use of other person’s trademark, protected sign of origin as well as any information, which is harmful for material and non-material third party rights.


7.1. We will make all efforts to ensure that the information on the website is true, correct and up-to-date without excluding the opportunity for any incidental objective non-compliances or omissions.

7.2. We shall not be liable for the consequences, including possible damages ensuing from or connected with the access, use or inability to use this website (and its sections) by third parties.

7.3. The whole information on the website is provided in compliance with the valid Bulgarian law. We make reasonable efforts to protect its integrity and security from malicious attacks of third parties.

7.4. We shall not be liable for subjective perceptions and interpretation of the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information resources on this website.

7.5. We shall not be responsible for the information (including its completeness and reliability) contained in the websites to which this website contains links.

7.6. If we incur damages as a result of any breach of these general terms and conditions and/ or unauthorized use of the services of this website, we are entitled to fair/ legal compensation.


8.1. We may amend these General Terms and Conditions as well as the Rules on using the sections at any time and we will promptly publish such amendments on the website (or the sections) along with notice for amendments of the General Terms and Conditions.

8.2. For any matters unsettled by these General Terms and Conditions will apply the valid Bulgarian law.

This document was last updated on 20.02.23